A Bridge Over Troubled Waters? Bringing derivatives under effective control: Whitepaper
MA's recently published white paper, ‘A Bridge Over Troubled Waters’, explains their approach to these complex business issues and how to get the best from your trade reporting operations.
Message Automation – riding the crest of a wave
– A Bridge Over Troubled Waters white paper available to download
28th January 2016. Message Automaton (MA) is pleased to report a highly successful second half of calendar 2015, building on record earnings at the end of their FY2014/2015 trading year in June. June’s numbers showed a revenue jump of over 50% with a 70% growth year on year in recurring revenues from subscription licences.
Since June MA has added a number of new name clients to an already impressive blue chip user community. Highlights include signing up a major tier one U.S. bank who is using MA's unique solution for harmonizing inbound clearing house / broker reports. The company has also extended its coverage in Europe with Banque Cantonale Vaudoise, one of Switzerland's largest Cantonale Banks, who recently announced they had contracted with MA to support their Swiss finFrag reporting requirements.
Hugh Daly, CEO – MA said, "In addition to this, we have also deepened our relationships with a number of existing clients who increased their usage of our offerings to incorporate new functionality and new jurisdictions. For example one of our North American based clients incorporated Fixed Income (IIROC) reporting into their fully integrated single strategic trade reporting platform built on the MA technology. For another banking client, again using the core MA technology platform, we also implemented new solutions to better manage their static data harmonization capabilities, which are a vital component in improving trade STP rates; and a comprehensive Post-Trade control dashboard across multiple asset classes for all internal and external trade flows. We expect both of these solutions to bring significant future growth into MA."
MA has long evangelized the urgent need for harmonization across the derivatives trading spectrum, particularly with regard to trade and transaction reporting. This is now becoming even more important with MiFID II and SFTR appearing on the horizon. Most recently the FCA were quoted as saying that the scale of the changes needed for a successful MiFID II implementation are huge and despite the delay until January 2018, firms should continue to prepare, irrespective of the published target date. They also are urging all financial institutions to keep this topic high on the agenda of all senior management.
Daly continues. "We strongly believe that those organisations who are prepared well in advance of any new regulatory deadlines will reap substantial rewards not only in terms of quantifiable cost reductions and improved compliance capabilities, but will also enjoy a significant competitive advantage over those who adopt a 'wait and see' policy’. The continuing onslaught of regulatory mandates is, without question, helping to fuel our growth. In particular the stringent requirements around regulatory reporting changes, for example, EMIR Level 2, and the new jurisdictions have both been significant factors. At the same time we are delighted to report that our recent client’s upgrades have all gone very smoothly and were live in good time for the EMIR Level 2 changes. Looking forward, now that MiFID II planning looks like it is finally underway, not to mention, Mandatory Clearing, Collateral processing and SFTR, we expect there to be even more demand over the coming months."
MA's recently published white paper, ‘A Bridge Over Troubled Waters’, explains their approach to these complex business issues and how to get the best from your trade reporting operations. It is available to download from http://www.messageautomation.com/news.html.
Download the PDF below, and for further information, contact Ian Chester.