A Consolidated Source of LEI Data from p-LEI.org | Wilmington Hits the Map

The need for firms reporting derivatives to make use of a Legal Entity Identifier is driving the emergence of a federated network of national issuers.  The current list of issues
January 30, 2014 - Editor

The need for firms reporting derivatives to make use of a Legal Entity Identifier is driving the emergence of a federated network of national issuers.  The current list of issues includes:

A consortium of firms has created the p-LEI website from which you can retrieve a consolidated list of pre-LEIs, based on their best efforts to retrieve and map all the above sources into a single XML format. The site has a variety of ways to browse the data including mapping the total number of registrations per US city, hence the fact that Delaware law is popular for the registration of corporations as evidence by the big blue blob below indicating the city of Wilmington.

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