An insightful A-Z on the OTC Clearing Revolution

I spoke at TradeTech this week and told a story of Alice (a Project Manager) and Bob (Head of Collateral Management) and how they prepared for the coming regulatory changes.
June 1, 2012 - Editor
Category: Clearing

I spoke at TradeTech this week and told a story of Alice (a Project Manager) and Bob (Head of Collateral Management) and how they prepared for the coming regulatory changes. I didn't take the title literally, although as you'll see I used some artistic license. The key message from the presentation was to engage with the regulatory changes as impacting most or all departments in firms using OTC (ISDA) products, and to coordinate your preparations accordingly. Later in the presentation I suggest some discussion points for each department to stimulate thinking about central clearing for OTC products. Some of this is taken from my training materials, which can be provided in sessions to suit your firm, an hour, a day or three days, with topics and agenda customised to suit your needs. Organisations who have enjoyed (and survived) my training include Saxobank, ABN Amro, Nordea, Delta Syntrus AM, Allianz, Murex, Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG (OeKB), Handelsbanken, Kas Bank, and Delta Lloyd AM. Here's Bob, he's not the happiest person, you'll have to download the whole presentation from my Downloads page to find out why, and to see why Alice is having a better time of things.

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