May 15, 2013 - Editor
First FCM completes production testing with CreditLink | Market Infrastructure
Things are moving fast in US and the first FCM has completed its production testing with CreditLink. One of the fundamental points of CFTC regulation
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April 10, 2013 - Editor
Clearing Connectivity Standard for FCMs | Webinar
Top item here: http://www.fpml.org/samples/ccs.html
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April 5, 2013 - Editor
Markit and Traiana? Is there room for both?
As SEF rules will come into force later this year, CreditLink by Traiana and Credit Centre by MarkitSERV, both prepare themselves for launch even though both
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April 3, 2013 - Editor
The week that was (issue of 2nd April 2013)
Dear all, ISDA publishes March 2013 Dodd-Frank Protocol The International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA) has published the ISDA March 2013 Dodd-Frank Protocol (DF Protocol
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March 27, 2013 - Editor
Decision support in a cleared world – FTSE Global Markets
My latest piece for FTSE GM magazine – should you be thinking about how you route trades via your FCMs and CCPs using IM, Fees
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February 14, 2013 - Editor
FCM Residual Interest – “changing an ecosystem which has existed for decades”
An issue is exercising FCMs in America, that of a new rule issued by the NFA requiring each FCM to define a minimum amount of
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February 1, 2013 - Editor
60 seconds to clearing
An email from the CFTC last year defined the timing for FCMs and CCPs to accept trades for clearing. Unfortunately the scope and intention of