CDSIndex Product in SDRView Professional
ClarusFT discuss data on CDS trading in their SDRView service.
As we recently released the CDSIndex product in SDRView Professional, I decided to look at what the SDR data shows.
CDS Index NA
Lets start with a chart of the daily volumes on 24 Jan 2014, of the major North American indices; IG, HY and EM.
This shows the following:
- IG 5Y (Dec18) has by far the highest volume at almost $24 billion.
- Of this On SEF is $12.9 billion and Off SEF is $10.6 billion
- HY 5Y is the next highest at $8.5 billion of which On SEF is $3.6b and Off SEF is $4.8b
- EM 5Y is $1.2b
- IG 10Y has very low volume
- Across these 4 Indices more than $33billion is traded on this day.
On SEF vs Off SEF
Now lets look at separate tables of trade counts, gross notionals and prices.
Firstly On SEF:
Then Off SEF:
From these we can observe the following for 24 Jan 2014:
- The overall gross notional for the 3 Indices between On SEF and Off SEF is similar at $16 billion.
- The number of trades is higher for On SEF at 450 vs 386 for Off SEF
- The average notional per trade is similar between On SEF and Off SEF
- The Avg Price is very close for HY, but less so for IG & EM.
- High and Low prices look tighter for On SEF
- More Off SEF trades are larger than the Capped size; 61 vs 38.
- Volumes are understated due to these Capped sizes
- The IG Capped Size is $110m, the HY $100m
- So the overall $32 billion is probably understated by at least $10 billion.
Cleared vs Uncleared
Now lets look at tables of Cleared and Uncleared volumes.
First Cleared.
Then UnCleared:
Which simply tells us that:
- a lot more trades (664 vs 171) are Cleared than UnCleared
- or $25 billion vs $7billion.
ITraxx Europe?
Lets now take a quick look at Europe.
From which we see that on 24 Jan 2014:
- 635 trades representing more than €17 billion in notional is traded
- With the main iTraxx Europe Index representing more than €10 billion
- Followed by CrossOver at €4 billion and Senior Fin at €2 billion
- Average trade size is lowest for Cross Over at €15 million
- CDSIndex intra-day trading activity is now available in SDRView Professional.
- CDX.NA.IG.5Y is the most traded index, with more than $24 billion on 24 Jan 2014.
- ITraxxEurope 5Y is the next most traded (€10b), followed by CDX.NA.HY ($8b).
- Other than 5Y maturity, hardly anything trades.
- For CDX, On SEF and Off SEF Volumes are similar, while for iTraxx Europe, Off SEF are higher.
- Cleared volumes are much higher than Uncleared.
- Capped sizes for CDX.NA.IG.5Y of $110 million, mean that 25% of trades are impacted, leading to an understating of notionals.
- Trade prices with Avg, High, Low and Last can be readily observed.
I invite you to sign-up for a free trial and see the CDSIndex trading activity for yourself.