CloudMargin Integrates with UnaVista for EMIR Trade Reporting
State of the art collateral management systems delivering STP connectivity out of the box. Press release Profile: Home page: State of the art collateral management
February 11, 2014 - Editor
Category: CloudMargin
State of the art collateral management systems delivering STP connectivity out of the box.
Press release
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State of the art collateral management systems delivering STP connectivity out of the box.
Derivatives collateral management cloud technology provider CloudMargin today announced it has connected with Unavista (part of the London Stock Exchange Group) to offer EMIR compliant trade reporting. CloudMargin can collate, normalise, enhance and enrich data from a variety of sources in a huge variety of formats and submit correctly formatted data to Unavista in a timely fashion at minimal cost for clients.
"Unavista has been the overwhelming choice of our clients to date" adds Andy Davies, Cloudmargin's CEO and co-founder, "the ease of use and reliability of Unavista's solution makes it the obvious choice to meet the EMIR requirements which is reflected in the demand we are seeing."
CloudMargin will be adding other EMIR compliant trade repositories in line with client demand during the coming months.
About CloudMargin:
CloudMargin is a new collateral management technology provider meeting the growing needs of derivatives end-users for an affordable, scalable and future-proof alternative to spreadsheets and manual processes. Focussing on derivatives end-users such as corporate treasurers, insurers, pension funds and asset managers allows CloudMargin to avoid the unnecessary and expensive complications of sell-side focussed solutions and instead deliver a cost-effective and understandable web-based platform.
Low-cost "pay as you go" menu-based pricing means the end to lengthy technology contracts with punitive exit clauses and costly upgrade cycles. The simple yet powerful web-based interface gives total visibility of proprietary and counterparty or CCP positions and state of the art reporting puts clients firmly in control of their businesses.
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