Daily Email Summary Timing | Now 8am UK Monday to Saturday

As an experiment I'm changing the timing of the daily email with the news summary to 8am UK time Mon – Sat to see if this suits readers more. It
August 13, 2013 - Editor
Category: News

As an experiment I'm changing the timing of the daily email with the news summary to 8am UK time Mon – Sat to see if this suits readers more. It had occurred to me that 5pm on a weekday isn't the time most people want to be browsing the web – they're thinking of going home in the UK and going out for lunch on the East coast. 8am UK will provide both US and Europe with an email at the start of day, even if it means the news is a few hours older. Let me know what you think of this idea in the comments below. Out of interest here's the growth of the subscriber list, if you don't receive the email, click OTC Space Daily Email List to subscribe – every email has an unsubscribe link at the bottom and the list is managed to scrupulous standards via Mailchimp and is entirely private.

Scale is Millions of Readers ;-)



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