DTCC and Euroclear to Launch Joint Collateral Service | Business Wire

Not unexpected but interesting, the DTCC project to automate the full end-to-end lifecycle of margin calls, the Margin Transit Utility, has gathered steam, with Euroclear intending to support the service,
May 13, 2013 - Editor

Not unexpected but interesting, the DTCC project to automate the full end-to-end lifecycle of margin calls, the Margin Transit Utility, has gathered steam, with Euroclear intending to support the service, and therefore streamline the entire business process for collateral management of OTC (ISDA) margined products. Press release: DTCC and Euroclear to Launch Joint Collateral Service | Business Wire. The actual MTU strategy PPT: https://www.euroclear.com/dam/Presentations/2013/Collateral%20Conference/PPT016_DTCC.pdf    

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