DTCC › Public SDR Now Covers All 5 Asset Classes

The DTCC public SDR portal now shows trades from Rates, Credit, Equities, FX and Commodities. Have a look at Fixed-Fixed IR Swaps – can anyone explain what purpose a fix-fix
March 6, 2013 - Editor
Category: DTCC

The DTCC public SDR portal now shows trades from Rates, Credit, Equities, FX and Commodities. Have a look at Fixed-Fixed IR Swaps – can anyone explain what purpose a fix-fix swap serves? Is it like a currency swap without the notional exchanges? You can see trades erupt in real-time here: https://rtdata.dtcc.com/gtr/dashboard.do DTCC › MAJOR DEALERS NOW REPORTING TRADES FOR FIVE MAJOR OTC DERIVATIVES ASSET CLASSES TO DTCC’S SWAPS DATA REPOSITORY.

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