Get The OTC Space on Your iPad | Planes Trains and Automobiles

Read the OTC Space off-line on your iPad, save articles, save attachments and favourite your favourites We are proud to announce a new way to interact with the contents of
December 8, 2014 - Editor
Category: Other

Read the OTC Space off-line on your iPad, save articles, save attachments and favourite your favourites

We are proud to announce a new way to interact with the contents of The OTC Space – an app on your iPad. Here's some ideas to try out:

  • Sync the app to the site and read the new articles on your commute. Click the icons to switch Articles, News, Jobs, Offers and Events on and off
  • Want to read something later? Click the Star icon on the website to Save an article as a favourite, sync to the iPad and carry it with you. (This is version 1 of the app, and the Star icon only applies to manually published articles, in an update to the app this will also apply to the auto-imported articles)
  • If you see an attachment to an article, use the "Save to Library" button (see below), to keep a copy. These will sync to your iPad where you can read and annotate them for your own analysis. You can visit your library of Saved attachments via the "Account" button on the home page too.
  • See something you like offline? Click the Star icon in the app and that article will be added to your Saved items on the website when you next sync
  • Need fresh content for breakfast, the app should sync overnight and let you keep up today over your Boiled Egg and Soldiers.

Click the link on the right to visit the app store, download and login using the same credentials as the site, and please let us know what you think. The app is free to everyone, and like the site requires you to register and login to access the Premium content (indicated with a P).

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