Latest CCP & SDR Status Charts as of Feb 2013
Here is the status of CCPs and SDRs for OTC products. Data for the CCPs is from the respective websites, data for the SDRs is from the recent FSB (mid-2012)
January 8, 2013 - Editor
Category: Article
Here is the status of CCPs and SDRs for OTC products. Data for the CCPs is from the respective websites, data for the SDRs is from the recent FSB (mid-2012) progress report. Click on the charts to enlarge. Update on Feb 13th
- Fixed ICE EU numbers, not linked properly, now showing latest numbers
- Labelled numbers which are provided as "open interest" where the method of calculation is not yet known to me
- Added a column to show how the numbers are reported
Updates on Feb 11th
- Notionals updated for the CCPs
- ASX added as a forthcoming CCP
- Target date for CME IRS now April 2013
- Links to SDRs real-time reporting:
- CME: (although not much showing up right now)
- ICE: (a landing page, no sign of data yet)
CCPs As of Feb 13th 2013
CCP Progress, Dec 11 to Jan 13
Selected CCPs where reliable data exists. Note that the activity by TriOptima / TriReduce to tear-up trades reduces notionals by $80trn, so flat or lower notional doesn't necessarily mean a reduction in business. Also note FX notionals will always be lower due to the shorter duration of the trades, notional cleared per month is an indicator of business activity, but not captured here.
Rest of the World SDRs
- Chile added for IRS & NDFs
- India (CCIL) added for NDFs and a "sort of" for IRS – they have a registration and settlement system but without margining
- Korea moved back due to their parliament not enacting the legislation needed to underpin clearing. NDFs added too.
- HKEx moved back, plus NDFs added
- The notional for CME was published as the one sided notional, rather than the double sided. My own view is that two banks report that each have a swap with the CCP, so the total notional will be 2x, not the 1x the CCP sees. I've doubled their figure, and it now shows just over a trillion – good going.
Updates on Jan 12th: Notionals refreshed
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