NY Fed PRC: Recommendations for Supporting Clearing Member Due Diligence of Central Counterparties

The NY Fed Payments Risk Committee (PRC) have published a paper giving guidance to users of CCPs, referencing the CPSS / ISCO standards. It's 48 pages, so will need a
February 7, 2013 - Editor
Category: Clearing

The NY Fed Payments Risk Committee (PRC) have published a paper giving guidance to users of CCPs, referencing the CPSS / ISCO standards. It's 48 pages, so will need a while to read, you can find it via the link below, or download here: report_130205 Payments Risk Committee – Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Also see: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/c1848d9a-6fa7-11e2-8785-00144feab49a.html (subscription)

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