RiskArt – the OTC processing platform hiding in Italy

I was contacted via LinkedIn by Gerrard Mahony at Riskart in Milan, and had a short discussion about their company, which along with Consultancy and Training has a full scale
December 9, 2011 - Editor
Category: News

I was contacted via LinkedIn by Gerrard Mahony at Riskart in Milan, and had a short discussion about their company, which along with Consultancy and Training has a full scale platform for processing OTC trades. In 2009 I was part of a selection process for an OTC processing platform and we looked at many (or probably all) on the market, before finally choosing a leading French platform. I don't think Riskart existed at the time, but now it does, it's probably worth a look. I need to see a demo and ask questions about how it integrates with the existing market infrastructure and report back to you all. Here's a link to their home page, and here's a link to the PDF downloads on Collateral, Back Office, and Technology.

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