Rocket 4 – Blast Off Approaching
The team here at The OTC Space are pleased to announce the upcoming launch of Rocket 4. With all original content, we're confident it's going to be popular; the last edition got lots of positive feedback.
The team here at The OTC Space are pleased to announce the upcoming launch of Rocket 4. With all original content, we're confident it's going to be popular; the last edition got lots of positive feedback. The launch date is set for June, and the following article titles provide a clue as to what can be expected:
- Dealing with the ever-growing regulatory burden in capital markets: Michel Dorval
- MiFID II – How to capitalise on the creative destruction of the status quo: Christian Lee, Debasree Bhattacharya & Damon Batten
- REMIT – A whistle stop tour: Aviv Handler
- SGX – Setting the pace in Asian Foreign Exchange: William Barkshire
- CCP Notionals Scoresheet: Amir Khwaja
- SEFs – Surprisingly Useful Despite Detractors: Sol Steinberg
- Mandatory electronic execution – what's happening around the world?: Simon Maisey
- Margining rules – Is time still of essence?: Silvia Devulder
- Choosing a Segregation Model at Eurex Clearing – key selection critera: Byron Baldwin
- Establishing a port in a stream: Jamie Gavin
- Pure Agency Client Clearing: Jon Skinner
- When does it make sense to outsource?: Maurice Schuster, Thomas Schiebe, Chris Ekonomidis & Neil Wright
- Conquering the cost conundrum: James Cherry
As with the successful launches of Rocket 1, 2 & 3, we'll be delivering Rocket 4 to a number of events, to our readers and other interested parties. To ensure your free copy of Rocket 4, it's important that all our readers are registered with their up-to-date postal address, including your country of residence.
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