Rocket 5 – Blast Off Approaching

The team here at The OTC Space are pleased to announce the upcoming launch of Rocket 5. With all original content, we're confident it's going to be popular; the last edition
October 28, 2015 - Editor
Category: Basle III

The team here at The OTC Space are pleased to announce the upcoming launch of Rocket 5. With all original content, we're confident it's going to be popular; the last edition got lots of positive feedback.

The team here at The OTC Space are pleased to announce the upcoming launch of Rocket 5. With all original content, we're confident it's going to be popular; the last edition got lots of positive feedback. The launch date is set for November, and the following article titles provide a clue as to what can be expected:


  • Fundamental Review of the Trading Book: by Michael Bryant
  • Almost there? A bumpy road to the margining regime for non-centrally cleared derivatives in Europe: by Silvia Devulder
  • Compliance is a Journey, not a Goal: by Bill Hodgson
  • Financial regulation of the energy and commodity trading sector – what is happening and what could it mean?: by Aviv Handler
  • EMIR Review: EMIR revisited or EMIR II?: by Peter Ten-Broeke
  • Equivalance: The Key to Global OTC Reform: by John Philpott


Post Trade

  • Enabling Product Innovation for Asset Managers through Derivatives Governance: by Geoff Cole and Jackie Colella
  • A Bridge Over Troubled Waters? Bringing derivatives under effective control: by Hugh Daly
  • Bilateral OTC margining: marathon or spint?: by David Field


  • Readiness for Mandatory Clearing (or maybe "Ready… Set…Go!"): by Jamie Gavin
  • CCP Notionals Scoresheet: by Amir Khwaja

Collateral Management

Risk Management

  • Compressions: a controlled risk to improve the leverage ratio under Basel III: by Diana Higgins


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