Rocket Edition 2 | Downloadable PDF

The 2nd edition of our magazine Rocket is now available to download, a bumper 68 page edition. Readers who have given their postal address should receive their copies soon.  
November 24, 2014 - Editor
Category: Basle III

The 2nd edition of our magazine Rocket is now available to download, a bumper 68 page edition. Readers who have given their postal address should receive their copies soon.


For your pre-Christmas enjoyment, an action packed bumper edition of our Magazine Rocket, in the Attachment section below. Readers who have provided their postal address will receive their physical copies in the next few days. Almost all the content is never-before-seen, and includes:

  1. Asian CCP Recognition: Challenges and Opportunities, by Alison King at SGX
  2. The new ISDA Credit Definitions: Malavika Solanki / LCH.Clearnet CDSClear
  3. Managing Liquidity: Sol Steinberg, OTC Partners
  4. Battle Lines Are Drawn: How Do the Vertical Silos Compare: Bill Hodgson, OTC Space
  5. Cross Margining at Eurex: Using Futures to Reduce Margin on OTC Swaps. Byron Baldwin, Eurex
  6. CCP Score Sheet, winners and losers in the global clearing race. Bill Hodgson, OTC Space
  7. MiFID 2: New business models for OTC markets. Paul, Kimon and Cian at Sapient
  8. Collateral Management, Risk Mitigation Explained: Maria Leontiou, Eurobank
  9. Buy-Side Prepare for IM on Bilateral OTC business: Rick Enfield, Omgeo
  10. Is Collateral Management a Front Office Function? Ted Allen, Sungard
  11. The Impact of Clearing on the Cost of Funding: Michael Posylkin, Independant Consultant
  12. A Single Source of Clean Data for Collateral Management: Phil Wang, OpenLink
  13. EMIR Changes the Collateral Servicing Game: Fabrice Tomenko, Clearstream
  14. Increasing the Margin Period of Risk | The Implications of Basle 3. Ben Larah, Sapient
  15. Margin Moves to the Centre: Mas Nakachi, OpenGamma
  16. Operational Risk: Stuart McClymont, JDX
  17. Conduct Risk: Robin Poynder, FMR Advisory
  18. Time for a Job Swap? Penny Davenport, Penny Davenport Executive Coaching
  19. Trends in the Job Market. Maria Aldous, MCL Search
  20. Outsourcing Moves Into the Fast Lane. OTC Space and GlobeOp
  21. Trade Reporting Next Steps: Marisol Collazo and Peter Tierney, DTCC

Download the PDF below, formatted for Desktop computer and Tablet screens, and let us know your feedback in the comments below or email us. The previous Edition 1 can be downloaded from this page.

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