Site updates, QR Code and Translation
I added a couple of things to the site, one is obvious, the big QR code at the top of each page in the logo and on the contact page.
April 10, 2012 - Editor
Category: Other
I added a couple of things to the site, one is obvious, the big QR code at the top of each page in the logo and on the contact page. There are many apps in the Apple AppStore and the Google “play store” or whatever they call it, which can scan and recognise that code, and quickly save the resulting contact details, give it a try.
I’ve tried this one “QR Reader for iPhone” which works with the new code, I’m not an Android so someone else will have to let me know what works on your Ice Cream Sandwich.
The other feature is the Translate page, which will enable you to read the site in most other languages courtesy of Google Translate, if you are non-english, give it a try, your results may vary, but it’s a start.
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