TradeTech, Nov 22nd in London

  I will be attending TradeTech on the 22nd in London, see below for reasons why you might want to also… The last technical details of EMIR are due at
August 17, 2012 - Editor
Category: Event


I will be attending TradeTech on the 22nd in London, see below for reasons why you might want to also…

The last technical details of EMIR are due at the end of September 2012, and the impact of the interaction between EMIR, Dodd-Frank MiFID II, MiFIR and Basel III- CRD IV is gradually taking shape: By the end of this year the regulatory guidelines will be set, and from 1st Jan 2013 your implementation programme needs to be under way.

Are you prepared yet?
As the market evolves to electronic trading OTC derivatives are forced to clear, new reporting regimes are required, and the collateral constraints kick in- is your team, strategy and technology in place to cope with these changes?

Or do you need:
Greater clarity on the latest developments for EMIR, Dodd Frank, MiFID II, MiFIR, and Basel III- CRD IV and how they interact to impact your business?
Deeper insight into the evolving OTC market structure and the opportunities to exploit amidst the complexity?
Practical advice into how to adapt your trading, clearing, reporting and collateral functions to achieve compliance?
Bringing together regulators, central banks, asset managers, hedge funds, insurance companies, pension funds, IDB’s, execution venues, clearing members, clearing houses, and technology providers, this is the only equity derivatives conference to focus on the practical implementation of new regulations for the front, middle and back office with the industry as a whole.

For the agenda and all the details, follow this link:

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