Weekly Roundup | EMIR & MiFID II | 22 Oct 2013

EMIR Member States Freedom to Fine Breaches of EMIR Article 12 of EMIR gives Member States the power to set their own penalties for breach of the Regulation.  This has
October 23, 2013 - Editor
Category: EMIR


Member States Freedom to Fine Breaches of EMIR

Article 12 of EMIR gives Member States the power to set their own penalties for breach of the Regulation.  This has led to deferred publication of the fines and left firms in many countries with a lack of clarity over what they are putting at stake (and a consequent inability to react proportionately).  So what do we know?

Fining Trade Repositories

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) is publishing this consultation paper to assist with the preparation of its Technical Advice to the European Commission on the procedural rules for imposing fines and periodic penalties on Trade Repositories. ESMA: ESMA’s Technical Advice to the Commission on procedural rules to impose fines on Trade Repositories


Be Informed On MiFID 2

MiFID II is almost upon us.  Expect it to be the regulatory topic of conversation very soon. So what do you need to know about it?

Best Execution

The Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) has had far-reaching impact on trading firms since its adoption in 2007, and promises to have even greater impact once the revised version kicks in. MarketsMedia: Best Execution Post-MiFID

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