Why is there an OTC Space website?
Back in 2011 the winds of change were blowing via EMIR and Dodd Frank. I started writing my own quite personal views on the proposed changes and the impacts on firms. This attracted a significant following of people inside the market who wanted to engage with the ideas being published. Since then many have contributed their knowledge and views on the market.
- Strong insights come from writing personally
- Honesty about changes and challenges is refreshing
- The conversations people have in person don't often get aired to a public forum
Help the market move forwards by sharing your knowledge.
What is The OTC Space?
What does The OTC Space do?
There are a few ways for you to engage with the site:
- As a Reader - browse the Articles, News Feeds and Announcements
- As a Contributor, we are always looking for material which supports the goals of the site
- Use the Contribute button at the top of the pages and add your story or opinion
- Or get in touch to talk.
- You might also be interested in these contributor guidelines to remind us all how to publish useful material
- As a Commercial participant to grow your brand, product, service or business. Read more here
Find The OTC Space on-line
- My LinkedIn Profile
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- Apple News here
- Vimeo listing here
- Vimeo highlights here
- YouTube channel here
About Brandex Publishing
Brandex Publishing is the new home of The OTC Spacee and part of the Brandex Group. Brandex Publishing can deliver a full marketing service with The OTC Space as a brand development and lead generation component where needed.
Engaging a capital markets audience isn't simple, as the people you want engagement from are short of time and ignore poor quality content. With our combined experience of marketing, public relations and domain knowledge we believe we can deliver a better result from your investment in marketing.
To see what we've done for other clients, visit our projects page, or the websites for Brandex or Brandex Financial to learn more.
Bill Hodgson, Editor of the site