Deutsche Börse

Featured image for “Did Anyone Foresee a Twix Based Metaphor for Clearing?”

March 18, 2016 - Editor

Patrick Young and the Exchange Invest team make things much simpler.

Featured image for “Video Commentary on LSE-DB Merger from William Barkshire”

March 2, 2016 - Editor

A video commentary on the prospects for the LSE-DB merger and the effects on Asia, by William Barkshire, one of our contributors. Also thoughts on

Featured image for “PRISMA Margin Estimator (PME)”

January 4, 2016 - Editor

In order to provide our Members and clients with most effective tools to estimate margin requirements, to execute portfolio optimizations or to decide on a

Featured image for “Weekly Roundup | Market Infrastructure & Technology | 6 February 2014”

February 6, 2014 - Editor

Deutsche Börse Acquires Enterprise Software Firm Impendium Systems Deutsche Börse Market Data + Services has acquired Impendium Systems, a London-based firm that deploys cloud-based software

Featured image for “Survey of CCP Progress Since the US Clearing Mandate Kicked In”

December 1, 2013 - Editor

It's been a few months since we last updated the CCP chart, and in that time clearing has become mandated in the US. In most

Featured image for “Settlement houses in repo collateral deal –”

July 15, 2013 - Editor

I went looking for the source of this story on the FT below, as Philip doesn't really explain anything clearly and most of the article

Featured image for “Exclusive: Deutsche Börse EMIR Reporting Service: TREMIR”

March 7, 2013 - Editor

Exclusive to The OTC Space for now, a new reporting service from Deutsche Börse to facilitate accurate reporting of ETD and OTC business executed or cleared