June 6, 2013 - Editor
CCP Margin Models | Comparing Historic VaR and SPAN
Following on from the "Beat the Experts" thread, John Philpott posed some excellent questions on the differences between the Value at Risk (VaR) and Standard
SwapClear >>
June 4, 2013 - Editor
SwapClear US Trade Volumes
It’s a bit early to make anything of the figures, but if you like to watch notional volumes check out this page http://www.lch.co.uk/swaps/volumes/daily_volumes_us.asp
SwapClear >>
May 31, 2013 - Editor
SwapClear LLC (US) Goes Live on June 3rd
LCH published a notice indicating that their on-shore US based CCP SwapClear LLC will be officially open for business this coming Monday June 3rd. We
SwapClear >>
May 27, 2013 - Editor
LCH Swapclear Margin, the need for change and the impact
LCH SwapClear have implemented a change in their Initial Margin methodology and this article will discuss three elements that constitute the change: Historical look-back period,
SwapClear >>
May 27, 2013 - Editor
The week that was (aka Dazzling Derivatives; issue of 27.05.2013)
Dear all, ISDA has published the 2013 Reporting Protocol to assist reporting under DFA and EMIR: http://bit.ly/Z9l5IW and ESMA has update their EMIR timeline reflecting currently ongoing
SwapClear >>
May 24, 2013 - Editor
US funds fear inability to clear amortising swaps – Risk.net
A prohibition on taking cross-border risk could force some category two participants to stop trading amortising swaps from June 10 An inability to take cross-border
SwapClear >>
May 23, 2013 - Editor
SwapClear updates their IM calculation methodology
A quick note: As of Monday 20 May, LCH.Clearnet have moved their SwapClear SMART tool from the tactical implementation phase to full implementation for their
SwapClear >>
May 14, 2013 - Editor
SwapClear to Comply with Dodd Frank this weekend | Real-time Registration Goes Live
The new process for registration of trades to meet the CFTC 60 second rule is planned to go live this coming weekend (May 18th). LCH.Clearnet
SwapClear >>
May 13, 2013 - Editor
SwapClear LLC Fees | Nice Price
LCH have published the price for membership of their new SwapClear LLC clearing service, at $250k per direct member. This compares with a special ‘new
SwapClear >>
April 19, 2013 - Editor
Standardised OTC swaps (TrueEx) to launch within weeks – Risk.net
Sunil Hirani who created CreditEx, now part of ICE, has built a new trading market TrueEx, and registered as a Designated Contract Market (DCM) with