Markit and Traiana? Is there room for both?

As SEF rules will come into force later this year, CreditLink by Traiana and Credit Centre by MarkitSERV, both prepare themselves for launch even though both concede there may only be
April 5, 2013 - Editor
Category: Article

As SEF rules will come into force later this year, CreditLink by Traiana and Credit Centre by MarkitSERV, both prepare themselves for launch even though both concede there may only be room for one, and dealers have been pressing for a single hub.  One more link in the central clearing chain is the need to ensure that an executed trade won't be rejected by a CCP due to a breach of either the client's credit limit with its FCM/CB or the clearing member's limit with the CCP. Both hubs intend to do that pre-trade credit check and help market participants avoid unnecessary breaks. Investment Europe hosts an interesting article quoting both sides. Maria L

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