The CFTC has approved SEF rules, block rules, MAT rules
Almost unbelievably, the CFTC has voted in favor of the trade execution rules. The CFTC voted 3-2 to pass the Swaps Blocks Rule. The CFTC also voted 3-2 to approve
May 16, 2013 - Editor
Category: CFTC
Almost unbelievably, the CFTC has voted in favor of the trade execution rules. The CFTC voted 3-2 to pass the Swaps Blocks Rule. The CFTC also voted 3-2 to approve the Made Available to trade rule. The agency voted 4-1 to pass the SEF rules. Lastly, the Commissioners voted unanimously to approve the Interpretive Guidance and Policy Statement on Disruptive Practices. State Street put together two good overviews of what the rules look like here and here.
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